14 March 2011

Problem linking to e-journals via Find it @ Aston

**UPDATE** This issue has now been resolved and you should be able to search the e-Library and link through to e-journals again with no problems.

We're currently experiencing problems with the software that links us through to e-journals. The suppliers are working on a fix for this as a matter of urgency but in the meantime you can take the following steps to get round this:

  • If you want to do a search for journal articles on a particular topic, use the Aston e-Library "Find Resource" section to link through to subject specific full text databases and perform your searches there.
  • If you have a citation for a specific e-journal article and need to access the fulltext, search Google Scholar to find out where the e-journal is available and try to access the fulltext from there.

Apologies for the inconvenience this will cause. This post will be updated as soon as the problem is fixed.


  1. I am still unable to link in with E-Library!

  2. Please can you send more details of the problems you are getting and, if possible, screenshots to library@aston.ac.uk so that we can help. Thanks

  3. Look for 'Alternative Log-in' or 'Institutional' / 'Shibboleth' log-in options if you are routed to an Athens log-in screen.
